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IPMG’s Webinar Series: What COVID Has Taught Us


The impact of the COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the extreme inefficiencies of traditional insurance programs.

The majority of these programs are reactive and disjointed when it comes to wellbeing, without offering any proactive approaches or resources to prevent future problems. With workers’ compensation, absence management and group health managed separately, opportunities to minimize the impact of crises are missed and costs skyrocket.

To call attention to these shortcomings and discuss a better path forward, we’ve put together a series of webinars that address the biggest issues we’re seeing and answer common questions.

In the first three webinars, we’ve discussed how your employees’ physical and mental health could be affected during COVID by traditional insurance companies, the future of absence management in a post-quarantine world and how IPMG can help with these issues.

Next, on July 21st at 10 am CDT, we’ll be detailing how COVID has revealed the inefficiency of traditional, siloed insurance plans for wellness-focused businesses.

The Inefficiency of the “Siloed” Approach

In our fourth webinar, the IPMG team continues the conversation about the ineffectiveness of traditional insurance programs at a time when health benefits and employee wellness are paramount.

The majority of insurance programs today employ what we refer to as the “siloed approach” – that is to say, many insurance departments work independently of each other. This leads to both a breakdown in communication and collaboration that results in disappointing outcomes.

For employees depending on this siloed system for help, the outlook is bleak. These different divisions are rarely able to work together to create an actionable health plan or a successful office wellness program. Due to being so divided, they often cannot offer anything more than biometric data and a basic health assessment.

To spark meaningful improvements in your employees’ health, you need more than simple data. It’s important to offer your team the comprehensive tools they need to track and analyze all pertinent health information, along with assessments from health professionals on a case-by-case basis who can create a plan to curb current health issues and avoid future ones.

Since we know that an employee’s overall health directly impacts their performance, and we’re facing an international crisis that affects both mental and physical health, the breakdowns in this system are becoming increasingly clear.

The IPMG team will focus on those inefficiencies in our fourth webinar, along with discussing the options that employers have to provide effective resources for their team to live a happy and productive life.

This webinar will be live on July 21st at 10 am CDT. To join, register here:

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While our first three webinars have passed, we will be revisiting these topics in the future and are eager to answer your questions about your employees’ health and wellness options and absence management during COVID-19.

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